Guest Blogger 9: Love and Other Drugs

Hola I'm guest-blogger Ashley from She Who Will be Tamed , anyway! I have a bone to pick about society and love. Especially love songs. Why the hell are all of them so damn whiny? It's not that it's just whiny, they're borderline pathetic and almost suicidal. Has anyone notice the trend where men are all like, "I can't believe you don't love me, look of all the things I would have done for you," which of course, sounds sweet, until you get to the hook where they're like "I would have jumped in a grenade for you, in front of a train for you". That's not sweet, that's not romantic and I hope to God nobody really expects the love of their life to jump in front of a damn grenade. The real story is, why in the WORLD is someone throwing a grenade at someone? A friend of mine was like "don't take it literal, wah wah" but I think it's sending a bad message out there for men and women. ...