Something To Take Away The Monday Blues

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I spent the weekend reading Shimmer Chinodya's Harvest of Thorns, and had a blast at it. Lord knows why I never read it before, because I have had it in my Library for a while.

Here's an excerpt where the hero is declaring his love for the umpteenth time, and still he gets no response from his beloved Shamiso.
I am hereby sent you a camera fotopicture taken me by my best friend Jeshua so that you can remind and thinking of me all times. Perhaps you have forgetting me and I’m sending this fotopicture for you to put on top your pillow so you can dream about me when your eyes falling sleepy. I still love you over than and will not stop scripting until the world stops and all the enjels come and God ‘says’ everybody to Heaven or to Hell but I’m cokesure a butifull girl like you is going to HEAVEN stret away. S’true  God, Shamiso I love you more each day. I will go on scripting even I buys all the written peds and emvlops at Bright Bookstore and even the postmaster say no, Clopas, you finishing pestej stamps for other because my heart says you the woman for me and I must not sarenda…
Please send me your fotopikture too so I can put it on the wall near my bed, and not think of about you too much. Perhaps you have not write because you think I am too olds for youbut I am a young man only twenty four years of old and ready to start family. But I can’t starting family without you Shamiso. Otherwise yuou think it’s joking and I’m having many other girlfriend but I to you I never jok on this matter. I am being a stead man without fulling around and looking at silly town girls who is after beer and money chete. Sometimes you think I say this because I have job in town and house and you are from  reserves, but I tell you no, it is love only. Perhaps you thinks I am a Bed man Because I live in the big city but I say no, I do not know the mouth of a beerhole and I do not touch cigaroots, and I do not play cards or beetting horses…So please Shamiso hear mercy for me.

They don't make them like that anymore huh? 
p.s do you think I could get sued for copyright infringement? Lets hope not.


  1. As long as you don't get caught you're in the clear.. haha just made my Monday

  2. The letter was so sweet and earnest, I like how she then goes to reply him in Shona. Totally in awe of his firm grasp of the Queen's English.

  3. oh my V, u js reminded me, i love this book.please do post Shami's reply,iv forgotten it n dont thnk i hav th strength to dig up the book in my archives at Clopas was so sweet in th letter hey, so honest

  4. I would need to consult my legal team for that, I could get into serious trouble :D

  5. yes she does, after he writes her a letter telling her he would grow sick with 'dizaya'


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